Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Swimming and Hiking

Hi hi!!! Today is going to ROCK. First, my mommy is getting off work early. Then, she's going to pick me up from my grandma's house and take me to my best friend Madi's house to go swimming. After three hours go by, I have to go to Young Womens and we're going hiking, which is something I absolutely LOVE. I am SO excited!!! Well, my mommy should be here any minute so I better go... I'll try to get some new AA Batteries for my camera so that I can take lots of pictures!!! Peace!!!


Denise H. said...

I hope you had Fun Swimming and Hiking!! I love hiking too!

*K A Y L A M A Y* said...

I thought it was going to rock but I guess I was wrong... Madi got mad at me and now she won't talk to me AND I had to climb up a mountain for three miles straight AND back down when it was like at 9:30 PM.

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